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Halotherapy/Salt Therapy

What type of Salt do we use?

Pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride (only salt studied for inhalation)

What is Halotherapy or Salt Therapy?

An alternative 100% safe natural therapy that helps relive symptoms from respiratory and skin conditions and gives you a sense of relaxation. Halotherapy involves breathing in air with tiny salt particles to improve your breathing.

Why do we need Salt therapy?

Did you know: Adults take about 12-15 breaths per min. and the air we breath only contains 20% of oxygen the other 78% is gas. People are exposed to pollutants, airborne diseases, bacteria allergens and other factors by default we breathe polluted air everyday which can create irritation to the lungs. We need Salt therapy to help improve lung function, build immune system, cleanse and detox lungs, and help relieve respiratory symptoms improve your quality of life.

How can salt therapy keep you healthy?

As you breathe in the salt you are forming a protective layer to fight off illness and infections. Cleansing the respiratory track helps widen the airways which overall allows more oxygen, oxygen creates energy. Use for preventive care build your immune system.

Is Salt therapy harmful?

Salt therapy sessions are like spending time at the beach! Not at all.

Is there anyone who should not use salt therapy?

Anyone who has advance kidney or heart disease, influenza, resistance bacterial, pneumonia, recent fever (24 hours) hemorrhagic infections, or advanced respiratory disease (requiring continuous oxygen). Individuals who are pregnant or have cancer should console with their physician before starting salt therapy.

Services at Soak N Salt and all written publications are provided for informational purposes only. Not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please do not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. All active medical conditions should be treated by a qualified medical professional. Currently Salt therapy has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA).

Body Salt Scrubs

What is a Salt Scrub?

A body exfoliate to buff away dead skin.

What are the benefits of Salt Scrubs?

Salt has antibacterial qualities helpful for maintaining bacteria-free skin and preventing itchiness and also encourages the circulation of blood. That’s what gives the skin an attractive and rosy scrub glow.

Why should I get a Salt Scrub massage?

There are areas of the body that skin is dryer such as the feet, hands, elbows, and legs.

Massage Therapy 

What types of massage does Soak N Salt offer?

Swedish, deep tissues, sports, couples, prenatal.

What if I feel self-conscious?

Be mindful our professional massage therapist are non- judgmental and only focus on your muscles.

Why massage?

A massage activates your body, wakes up your muscles, organs, and glands. The flow moves blood and lymph fluid cells to produce and release chemicals and hormones. Your body needs a massage to naturally renew itself and reverse the effects of stress!

Will I be covered during the session, must I completely undress?

You should undress to your comfort level.